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Grammar of the Body Symposium:

 Components of Language and their Emergence


We are pleased to announce an international symposium
to take place at the University of Haifa
May 26-27, 2019

The symposium is the culmination of a five-year research project -- The Grammar of the Body, or GRAMBY -- headed by Wendy Sandler at the University of Haifa and funded by the European Research Council. The project is motivated by sign languages, and aims to understand the composition of language and its origins through the study of new languages and the relation between language and the body. Studies from five sub-projects (below) will be represented at the symposium, and four invited speakers, each with a different approach to language research, will present keynote talks:

Mark Aronoff, Tecumseh Fitch, Simon Kirby, John McWhorter.

The GRAMBY research team will present their results at the symposium: Gal Belsitzman, Federica Cavicchio, Atay Citron, Svetlana Dachkovsky, Livnat Leemor, Katja Liebal, Kate Mesh, Hope Morgan, Rama Novogrodsky, Linda Oña, Simone Shamay-Tsoory, Rose Stamp, and Wendy Sandler.

Registration is now open for the Grammar of the Body Symposium. Admission is free, but seating is limited, and only preregistered participants will be admitted.

To register, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Proceedings will be in English and interpreted to Israeli Sign Language.


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Symposium Announcement